Saturday thoughts

We are three weeks away from opening, and I was so proud to see our signs go up on this week! The staff is starting in the office on Monday, and we are gearing up to welcome you in the office on October 15th!

While lots of people have commented on how challenging it can be to start a business, fewer have mentioned the sheer joy and pride at seeing your vision come to life- slowly- decision by decision. It is beautiful to see the space and the concept come together as its own unique creation.

Some of the things I’ve learned along this process:

  • Listen to your instincts. If you are trying to start something- a business, a blog, anything- you have a passion and creative idea for what you are building. It is so easy for others to say “no,” or thats “not how it’s been done.” Write yourself a note- I CAN DO THIS, and read it every day, because it can be challenging to hold on that through the ups and downs of getting started.

  • Get another quote. No matter what you think a project should cost- get another estimate. It can be exhausting to keep getting quotes, and it can feel easy to accept the offer in hand. I am reminded time and time again- that it’s worth the extra phone call!

  • Reach out to mentors and colleagues. I continue to be awed and amazed by the warmth and support I’ve received from mentors and colleagues in the field. While sometimes it might feel that asking for advice or guidance is a weakness, we strengthen our sense of community and increase our vision for the future by including their wisdom.

    I am excited to see this vision come to life, and excited to share it with all of you!

    Elle de Moll, MD